Thursday, April 23, 2015

Kennie and Mr. Kenmore

What? More machines? You say?  Yes... I have quite a few more. It seems that I have started a small collection of sewing machines. Do I use them all? Well, currently I am not using them all. I am trying to rotate them through and use them after they have a good cleaning and oiling. 

Kennie, My first Love...I got him brand new in the middle 70's, either 75 or 76, I don't quite remember. It might have been our first Christmas together ( my first husband and me) The Kenmore, as I always called it is Model no. 158.19410  DOB 1975  freearm and heavy as the dickens. It still has it's original plastic case that was bought at the same time as the machine. It has feet galore. I would go to our little Sears store just to see what kind had come in. I bought every one that I could find and afford at that time, walking foot included. I made everything on this machine for many many years. Clothes for me, maternity wear. Clothes for my children. Toys, curtains, a bridal gown, baby blankets, any thing I could think of. He has been passed around to be used by different members of my family, but he always comes back to me. He was my first and I'll never ever let him go. He still sews as well as the first day I brought him home.

Mr. Kenmore, now this is a machine. See the pictures below. Sear Best Kenmore it's called, Model no. 158.19142  and DOB 1976/77.  He is also a freearm. I never knew this machine existed until one day I was looking through Craigs List. $45.00 was all the lady wanted. It had belonged to her mother. I had to drive to Pinellas Park to pick him up. I missed the exit and got lost . I ended up in St. Petersburg. lol I finally found my way to lady's house I brought Mr Kenmore to his new home. There were three large boxes of accessories and attachments that came with the machine. It looked like most of the accessories had never been out of the box, much less been used. He does need a little bit of TLC. I cleaned him up and he sits on top of the Kenmore cabinet with a Singer in it. Unfortunately he won't be able to sit in the Kenmore cabinet. Here is Mr. Kenmore, he takes cams and does monograms. Isn't that cool? I have really got to take the time to get him up and running. So he can be put into the rotation to be used. 


Just look at all those built in stitches, plus cams, monograms and buttonholes. This is one awesome 70's machine.

Look at those accessories and feet. I am in love with all of them.
Oh and by the way there are a few more machines to come. ;)

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