It's time for me to start blogging again. So sorry, I know I haven't been here writing in quite some time. I guess you could say that I have been lost in lala land for a while. I have Fibromyalgia and sometimes I get what is known as fibro fog. It really is a pain as it keeps your brain in a fog to the point that it makes it difficult to think or concentrate on any one thing for very long, plus it makes remembering things a real pain too.
I thought I would share a few of the machines that I have acquired over the past two years.
I will start with the Singers.
This a beautiful 1927 99K hand crank that I got from a friend. It has a lot of history behind it, meaning the lady that previously owned this wonderful machine used it for 20+ years during Civil War Re-enacting. After cleaning her up really well and redoing the case she is just beautiful and stitches really well. Those are ruffles I made using the ruffler foot that came with her. I have named her Robin.
This is my baby. Yes she's a 1949 Feather Weight 221-1 something I have wanted for 30 years and never had the opportunity to purchase. Onyx came to live at my house two years ago. I really didn't have to do much to her, just give her a good polish. I did however refurbish her case that came with her.
This my dear friends is LaLa a 1926 128 LaVencedora a 3/4 machine. When I got her she was in terrible shape and her motor no longer ran.
I cleaned her up and put a hand crank on for a little while.
Here she is all shined up and pretty.
I am so proud of her now. Isn't she a beauty to behold? Plus she sews a beautiful stitch too.
This is Granny a 66 Godzilla / Crinkle finish born in 1952. I used to think she belonged to my grandmother, but she did not. I currently don't have her set up to be used. Maybe this summer or next I will get to working on her and cleaning her up so she can join the herd.